Dab the area every hour with a clean damp paper towel until night time. Right before you go to bed, using clean hands/finger tips or a clean q-tip, gently wash the area with antibacterial soap and water. Pat the area dry with a clean tissue or paper towel. Add a rice grain size of ointment.
Gently wash the area with water and antibacterial soap every morning and night. Apply a rice grain size of ointment when the area feels dry, tight or itchy. Do not over use the ointment.
•Do not touch the area without washing your hands first. The only time you should touch the area is when you are performing the aftercare.
•Do not pick, scratch or rub the area. Pulling a scab off, can & will pull the ink out of your skin. This will also cause you to scar.
•For eyeliner: do not put contacts in for 72 hours after your appointment.
•No makeup in the area for 10 days.
•Keep the area dry for 10 days (besides when you are performing the aftercare steps.)
•No excessive sweating (exercise), swimming or saunas for 10 days.
•Sleep on your back so the area doesn’t rub on your pillow.
•For 3 weeks before & after your appointment - No chemical peels or laser treatments in or around the treated area.
For 14 days before & after your appointment - No Botox or filler in or around the area.
•The initial touch up (2nd apt) is required to be completed within 4 months from your first appointment.
•No direct sunlight or UV lights for 30 days. “Always” use a sunscreen on your PMU.
•Tweeze, wax, trim and/or shave around the shape we create to maintain the shape.
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